Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Words said are words used

After God come's google is the way I'd put it. When I'm looking at random stuff online which mainly comprises of things related to a world beyond ours, some things that interest me the most comprise of the following words.

*Supernatural - The supernatural is that which is not subject to the laws of nature, or more figuratively, that which is said to exist above and beyond nature. With neoplatonic and medieval scholastic origins, the metaphysical considerations can be difficult to approach as an exercise in philosophy or theology because any dependencies on its antithesis, the natural, will ultimately have to be inverted or rejected. In popular culture and fiction, the supernatural is whimsically associated with the paranormal and the occult, this differs from traditional concepts in some religions, such as Catholicism, where divine miracles are considered supernatural.

*Paranormal - Paranormal is a general term that designates experiences that lie outside "the range of normal experience or scientific explanation or that indicates phenomena understood to be outside of science's current ability to explain or measure. Paranormal phenomena are distinct from certain hypothetical entities, such as dark matter and dark energy, only insofar as paranormal phenomena are inconsistent with the world as already understood through empirical observation coupled with scientific methodology.

*Mysticism - Mysticism is the knowledge of, and especially the personal experience of, states of consciousness, i.e. levels of being, beyond normal human perception, including experience and even communion with the Supreme Being.

However, despite these words being different they are very closely related. When generally looking up these words they normally connect to ghosts or aliens and basically things we don't see in everyday life.




*(Information from Wikipedia)

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